Thursday, March 31, 2011

Howler monkeys

Hi, we are doing a this blog for school. We are talking about endangered animals, and you get to pick what ever animal you what, I picked the howler monkey.
  1. So did you know that a male howler monkey are black , and females are brown. 
  2. Howler monkeys weigh about 15 pounds when they are adults.
  3. A howler monkey grows to be about 2 feet long and there tails are 30 inches long.
Well got to go bye-bye!!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Hey Kara here I'm going to talk to you about GOLD facts.

  1. O.K. did you know that the worlds largest stockpile of gold is five stories underground in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York vault.
  2. Gold is considered one of the most important metals in jewelry making.
  3. The largest gold nugget weighed 195 pounds and was found in California. 
  4. One oz of a gold nugget is worth more than a 5 carrot diamond.
  5. If you hammer a gold nugget you could see right through it 
Now I will do 3 important facts. 
  1. Gold is the most valuable than a diamond.
  2. Gold is found in many different places.
  3. There was gold in 1848.

      Friday, March 18, 2011


      Hi, I will tell you 3 facts on mustangs. When they came to America , who brought them, and how they are used today. Well wild mustangs came to America in 1493. The Conquistadors brought them with Columbus from Spain. Mustangs are used for racing and riding with cowboys. Bye-bye!!

      Thursday, March 3, 2011

      One odd spring day!!

      One day I was walking down the street and I saw purple grass and the trees were orange.  I walked up to my house and everything was blue and green. Then I ran to the back of the house and the pool was yellow and, after I went swimming I went to go pick an apple and the apple was rainbow colors they were beautiful. Then I walked into my house sat down, took a bite of my apple turned on the T.V. at the same time and said "I love spring time." 

                                                                       The End

      Thomas Jefferson

      I'm talking to you about Thomas Jefferson if you like it or not, just kidding. He was governor of Virginia, and Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the U.S.A. Thomas Jefferson was born in Apr. 13, 1743 in Shadwell in what is now Albumen County, Virginia.  His nickname was "Man of the People." He had six children. Thomas Jefferson's career was a lawyer and a planter. Thomas Jefferson died July 4, 1826, and, his wife's name was Martha Jefferson.  His Vice President was Aaron Burr. Well that's all I know bye bye!!

      Wednesday, March 2, 2011

      Life on a Crop Farm facts

      Here are some facts on crop farms enjoy

      • You need to work really hard on a crop farm. 
      • A farmer's first big job is planting the seeds in the spring.
      • A crop farm grows all sort of fruits and veges like corn, egg plant, beans, tomatoes, and other stuff. 
       Thanks for reading bye bye